Monday, October 27, 2014

Are Mineral Cosmetics the Best Choice For Your Skin?

Mineral cosmetics have become very popular over the last several years since many people want to reduce their exposure to the various chemicals found in conventional cosmetics. Some synthetic compounds found in conventional products are phthalates (found mainly in nail polish), ethyl acetate (found in mascara and nail polish), talc (found in eye shadow and deodorants), and petrolatum (found in almost all cosmetics). It is important for us consumers to know if these chemicals can negatively affect our skin and possibly undermine our health.

Most cosmetics sold at department stores contain a number of different chemicals and several of these compounds have been shown to be hazardous to our health. Phthalates are classified as chemical solvents and these compounds are capable of dissolving one or more other substances. Some side effects reported with exposure to phthalates are damage to various organs such as the kidneys, liver and lungs. Another toxic chemical found in nail polish is toluene. This compound is flammable and can make the nails dry and brittle. Instead of using the chemical based polishes found on the market, you could use a natural water based polish. In these natural formulas, a good percentage of the product is composed of water and not chemical solvents such as toluene and phthalates. The coloring agents in these formulas are naturally derived from carmine (a dried insect, when boiled its color is extracted), mineral sources such as the iron oxides, from beets, and a yellow spice called turmeric.

Each day a woman applies several different cosmetics to her skin, she is being exposed to many toxic chemicals including the heavy metals lead, cadmium, and arsenic. These metals are not only found in facial cosmetics but also exist in shampoo, deodorant, and perfume.

Most women use eye shadow on a daily basis and this cosmetic contains a chemical called polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). This compound has been shown to cause an allergic reaction in some people. It is important to read all product labels before purchasing any brand of eye shadow and avoid those that contain PVP.

Lipstick is another cosmetic product that is used by women on a daily basis. News reports over the past year have detailed that this type of cosmetic contains lead and exposure to this heavy metal is especially dangerous for pregnant women. Children who were exposed to lead were shown to have impaired school performance, and a lower IQ as compared to those students who did not come in contact with this heavy metal. When choosing a safe product for your lips, select a formula that does not contain synthetic colors or preservatives and is lead free.

Natural lipsticks are a better and safer choice since they do not contain petroleum, chemical fragrances or any FD&C colors. A major ingredient in lipstick and chapstick is beeswax. The coloring agent mainly used in these products is derived from iron oxides. It is important to note that there is a natural and synthetic form of iron oxide. Natural iron oxide is mined from the earth's surface and will contain some levels of the heavy metals lead and arsenic; this compound is considered safe for use in cosmetics. Synthetic iron oxide is not a natural product and is also considered safe for use in cosmetics.

Many natural lip products also contain moisturizing agents such as shea butter, aloe vera gel, and jojoba oil since they help keep the lips moist. Since what we put on our lips is easily ingested, it is important for us to avoid those products that contain toxic chemicals or synthetic coloring agents.

If you suffer from acne or any other skin condition, it is important that you read all product labels before purchasing any cosmetics. Foundations in the form of blushes and powders highlight and add color to the skin. Some of these conventional cosmetics contain talc and these formulas should be avoided since that chemical compound has been linked with cancer. In addition, most cosmetic foundations contain mineral oil and this compound has been shown to clog pores. Any cosmetic that contains mineral oil should not be used by those people who have acne.

A healthier choice for your skin and health is to use an organic foundation. Most truly organic cosmetics will contain essential oils and they are derived from plants that have not been treated with pesticides or herbicides. The chemicals found in these pesticides can cause skin irritation and or an allergic reaction in some people. In addition, choose a foundation that does not contain talc but instead uses clays derived from either bentonite or kaolin. It is also important to avoid using any formulas that contain the synthetic preservatives methyl or propylparaben since both of these compounds are skin irritants. In addition, some medical reports have documented that these chemicals have been found in breast tissue.

As we can see, there are many benefits in using mineral cosmetics for our skin. They are not only a safer choice for us but are also non toxic and will not pose any threat to our health or the environment. It is also important for us to understand that not all so called natural cosmetics are safe. We cannot assume that if a product is labeled as natural or if it contains organic ingredients that it is chemical free. It is important for us consumers to read the entire list of ingredients on each label of the product you are interested in and research any of the compounds that you do not recognize. Take your time before deciding upon a particular brand of natural cosmetics so that you can make the best informed choice. The best formulas are manufactured by smaller companies who manufacture vegan products in smaller batches, are chemical free, and use ingredients produced from strictly organic sources. Daily use of these products will highlight your skin with vibrant natural colors and not cause any allergic reactions or pose any serious health risk.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Perfect Glowing Skin - How To Have Perfect Glowing Skin In 7 Steps

Who Can Succeed To Have Perfect Glowing Skin? Is this luxury only for the young?

Aging does slow down the production of collagen and slowly breaks down the fibrous tissues that hold strength and shape. But,there are ways to nourish the epidermis and keep it healthy to produce radiance.

What causes skin to lose it's radiance over time? Babies have the most amazing skin. It is so kissable, soft, and supple. We were babies once. Why didn't our skin stay that way?

Babies skin was protected in the womb and was surrounded by fluid to keep it moisturized. What diet do babies have once they are born? An all liquid diet. Babies stay well hydrated
(as diaper changers would know). The liquid diet babies receive is packed full of nutrients that help keep the epidermis healthy.

Can you once again possess the radiance, softness, and perfect glowing skin? Yes you can.
Your skin needs to be protected, hydrated, and properly nourished to assist the functions of the skin cells and have perfect glowing skin.

How To Have Perfect Glowing Skin In 7 Steps

Protect & guard your skin from harm:

1. Ultraviolet rays from the sun cause harm to the collagen and elastin fibers. These protein fibers are weakened by the suns rays and cause sagging and dullness.

2. Keep toxins away from your body. Tobacco use, illegal drugs, and excessive junk food, inhibit healthy cell growth. To renew and regenerate healthy skin cells, stay away from harmful substances.

Hydration and keeping moisturized:

3. The best liquid to help your tissue is water. Drinking plenty of water will help to flush out toxins. Water aids the blood in carrying nutrients to the epidermis.

4. Use a daily moisturizer morning and night. A moisturizer can protect the surface cells and aid in hydration.

5. Oils assist in hydration and regulate sebum production. Olive oil, avocado oil, cocoanut oil, and grapeseed oil are very therapeutic to the skin. Essential oils such as lemon and geranium have very small molecules that can penetrate cells and aid in cell regeneration.

Nourish your epidermis with food to strengthen the collagen and elastin fibers.

6. Sprouts are packed full of nutrients. When beans and seeds are sprouted, the vitamins and minerals increase their amounts about 200%. Sprouting is cheap and easy to do.

7. Juiced wheatgrass has been shown to dramatically reduce the signs of aging. Wheatgrass juice should be consumed in small amounts. Follow the guidelines for wheatgrass use.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Treating and Restoring Your Skin

Neck or face melanomas are a type of skin cancer that is seemingly becoming more and more prominent around the world today. However, it is entirely possible to treat the condition. Even though surgery is often used to treat the cancer, it can also help to restore your skin to its original appearance before the melanoma.


Melanoma tends to occur whenever the melanocytes go through a type of change that allows them to produce melanin. When melanin is produced, it causes a darker appearance on the skin. If you already had moles, they can end up turning into a melanoma. The condition can also cause new moles to develop on the skin. To check for the symptoms of a melanoma, look for the following warning signs:

-Asymmetry - Check for any areas that are asymmetrical in nature.

-Borders - Look for any irregular edges around your growth.

-Color - See if there is a mixture of colors in the growth, such as black, brown, tan, blue, red or white.

-Diameter - Look for an abnormal area that is about the size of a pencil eraser, although some have been even smaller than that.

-Evolution - Watch to see if the mole is continuing to evolve or change.

People Who Are Prone to Melanomas

Even though aging might increase the chance of you getting a melanoma, younger individuals can also be affected. Those with fair skin, blue or green eyes and red or blonde hair are at the greatest risk. Where you live also plays a role in whether you end up with the condition or not. If you spend a lot of time outside, that will increase your risk as well. Tanning booths, a family history of the disease and a weak immune system also increase your risk.

Treating Melanomas

A biopsy will help determine whether you have a melanoma or not. Additional testing will help determine if cancer has spread into the area or not. Radiation, chemotherapy and various other treatments can help combat cancer that has spread. Surgery might be needed to remove the melanoma from your skin.

The surgery to remove the melanoma also requires removing the surrounding tissue. Depending on how deep the melanoma is, the amount of skin that has to be removed is going to vary. Once the growth has been removed, cosmetic surgery can be used to help correct the skin and restore it to its natural state.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Dental Tips for Both Adults and Children to Follow

Good dental health is a major part of overall good physical health, and childhood is the best time to learn the best dental habits and techniques. Children and adults can both benefit from some core best practices for a lifetime of excellent dental health, and family dentists are often the best teachers of those practices.

All aspects of good health begin with a proper diet. A clean diet of whole, natural foods will provide the necessary nutrients for strong teeth, a healthy body, and overall positive well-being. Carrots, apples, and other hard crunchy foods clean teeth naturally; many vegetables are high in calcium and other essential minerals, and the additional chewing necessary to process natural unprocessed foods stimulates the gums and strengthens the teeth.

Digestion begins in the mouth, and the bacteria present in the mouth can convert sugars and carbohydrates to acids which then attack tooth enamel. One should eat highly acidic foods such as tomatoes or citrus along with other more neutral foods and plenty of liquids to dilute the acidic effect. Foods such as dairy products, meats, nuts, and green leafy vegetables restore minerals to teeth after acid exposure thus helping to preserve tooth enamel.

In addition to starting kids out right with a proper diet, parents should emphasize and practice proper brushing and flossing techniques on their children when they are brushing their teeth for them so that the children will feel that those practices are second nature when they take over for themselves. Parents should then continue to share "brushing time" with their kids as long as it is practical.

Dental care should be a regular regimen in its own right and not an afterthought to meals. Parents should take six-month checkups as seriously as they do birthdays and holidays. Brushing should be like voting: best when done "early and often". Children should brush with a soft or medium brush, paying special attention to the back teeth, and they should start flossing as soon as their teeth begin to touch. Each mouth is different and a child's mouth will change drastically as he grows, so parents should consult with their family dentists regularly for any recommended variations on standard brushing techniques.

The toothbrush need not only live in the bathroom: Travel-size versions of dental-care products are inexpensive and easy to stash in lunchboxes, backpacks, briefcases, and glove compartments for those moments when someone forgets to brush or simply does not have enough time for the regular routine. This ensures that kids and adults alike can properly take care of their teeth wherever they go.

Prosthodontists, Orthodontists, and cosmetic dentists are trained in aesthetic and restorative dental care for those that have damaged or misaligned teeth. Cosmetic dentists take over where nature fails, using techniques ranging from simple whitening to major surgery to repair and restore proper function and aesthetic appeal in patients of all ages.

Family dentists are allies in good health, not bogeymen to be feared, and children that are raised with proper dental awareness and techniques become adults with great teeth and good dental health.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Choosing the Best Implant Size For You

Until recently, most patients never discussed breast implant shapes or profiles with their plastic surgeons. If you chose a certain size breast implant, you would receive a predetermined amount of forward projection from that size implant. Now, you can choose size and, if you like, have that size stick out more or less than the base diameter would usually dictate. The first choice to make is the shape; the second choice is the profile. Shape refers to the actual shape of the implant, round or anatomical. Profile refers to the distance the implant projects off the chest wall. The third Choice is the surface of the implant


Because women's breasts take many sizes and shapes, and because goals for breast enhancement vary from patient to patient, there are different shapes available. For some women, the round provides the best results; for others, a better choice is an implant shaped like a teardrop. The appearance of breasts is highly affected by shapes.

Considerations include:

    The patient's body type
    The amount of breast tissue the patient has.
    Breast implant placement
    Surgical incision choice


Of the two implant shapes, the round breast implant is the most common type used for breast augmentation. A round implant is shaped like a flattened sphere. Certain types of round implants can enhance the forward projection of the breasts, which would otherwise require larger implants with wider bases. For women who desire fullness in the upper poles of their breasts, the round is a good choice.

Many women choose round because they tend to provide the greatest amount of lift, fullness, and cleavage. Some women, however, feel that the results produced with round implants appear artificial, so they seek out more natural-looking alternatives. A round breast can have a smooth or textured surface. Due to a round symmetrical shape, it does not pose the risk of rotation. The cost of a round breast implant is generally less than a teardrop (contoured).

Tear Drop

As the name indicates, a teardrop, also known as a contoured breast implant, is shaped like a teardrop. Breasts attain a more gently sloping contour with teardrops. Although the upper poles of breasts that have teardrop implants are not as full as those of breasts that have round, teardrop-shaped implants often provide greater projection by volume. Of the two breast implant shapes, a teardrop is more expensive than a round breast implant, a consideration for those concerned with breast augmentation cost. A teardrop requires a textured surface to prevent rotation because, with teardrops breasts can become distorted if the implant rotates. This is not a concern with round breast implants.


After you have made the choice to have breast implant surgery, you must decide between two breast implant texture options: smooth and textured. On this page, we describe the differences between the two types to provide you with a better understanding so you can make an informed decision.

There is great debate amongst surgeons which is better. Some studies have shown fewer complications - specifically capsular contraction - with textured implants, but others have shown the opposite. The shells of both saline and silicone gel breast implants are made of silicone elastomer (rubber), and the surface area is either smooth or textured. The main purpose of textured implants is to promote tissue adherence to the irregular surface and hold them into place. Therefore, a textured surface is used with contoured implants because they have a top and bottom, and rotation or movement distorts the breast shape. On the other hand, most round implants have a smooth surface because the breast shape is not affected if the implant rotates in the breast pocket.


Smooth implants are used in roughly 90 percent of breast augmentation surgeries today. A smooth breast implant is able to move freely in the breast pocket in which it is placed. Many women eel that smooth implants have a more natural feel and appearance than textured implants. Smooth implants usually have thinner shells than textured implants, which makes them the softer choice of the two. Additional benefits of a smooth breast implant include implant longevity, lower patient cost, and reduced risk of rippling.


It was originally thought that the textured surface of an implant could reduce the possibility of capsular contracture, a potential complication of breast implants. However, because evidence is not clear and there is no consensus as to whether a textured breast implant actually reduces the possibility of capsular contracture, many doctors prefer to use smooth, round implants. Smooth implants are often placed under muscle tissue in order to help avoid possible capsular contracture.

Textured breast implants have an irregular surface that is intended to hold the implant in place. The scar tissue that naturally forms around the implant conforms to the textured surface and "grabs" the implant to prevent it from being displaced or turning in the pocket, which could result in distortion of the breast shape. A textured surface is used with contoured implants to prevent movement because the teardrop shape is distorted if any rotation occurs. Textured implants were designed to lessen the risk of capsular contracture, which is an excessive contraction of the scar capsule that surrounds the implant, by preventing scar tissue from forming around the implant in a uniform manner. However, studies have proven inconclusive and no firm evidence exists to support the theory that textured implants reduce the risk of capsular contracture.

If a patient requires implant removal due to capsular contracture or another complication, it may be more difficult for the surgeon to remove the implant because of the adherence of tissue to the textured surface. The shells of textured breast implants are slightly thicker than smooth implants.Textured implants are more firm and carry an increased risk of rippling that is visible or can be felt through the skin, especially for women with smaller breasts. There is also a small increase in the chance that the implant shell will rupture.


When breast augmentation patients meet with their Thailand surgeons to discuss the many implant options that are available to them, they not only need to decide on a specific sized implant, but determine the amount of forward projection that is appropriate for the patient as well. In the past, implants came with a standard projection, or profile, based on the size of the implant that women choose. Today, surgeons and patients can work together to select an implant that is not only the right size, but also provides the desired projection and cleavage.The most important criterion for profile selection is the base diameter of the breast.

This is easily measured by the surgeon with a calipers or measuring tape. The implant diameter must be less than the breast base, or it will be "squeezed" circumstantially. This will force it to scallop, or ripple around the outer edge, creating a range of other problems. Among these is visible rippling; It has been observed of much less rippling since the high profile implants became available, because the base diameter can be matched more precisely.

Low Profile

The low profile implant shell is wider (larger diameter) and flatter (less height or depth) than moderate profile breast implants. This implant style is commonly used for women who have a wide broad chest frame. The extra width of the implant shell will fill the chest anatomy correctly, achieving a natural look and realistic cleavage. The implant will not project as far off the body as other implant styles, making it the right choice for women who want fullness, but not an overly round and obviously enhanced look. The main criteria used to select low profile implants are the base diameter of the breast and dimensions of the chest. The implant should be smaller than the base diameter of the natural breast mound, which is often substantial in wider framed women.

Moderate Profile

The low profile implant shell is wider (larger diameter) and flatter (less height or depth) than moderate profile breast implants. This implant style is commonly used for women who have a wide broad chest frame. The extra width of the implant shell will fill the chest anatomy correctly, achieving a natural look and realistic cleavage. The implant will not project as far off the body as other implant styles, making it the right choice for women who want fullness, but not an overly round and obviously enhanced look.

The main criteria used to select low profile implants are the base diameter of the breast and dimensions of the chest. The implant should be smaller than the base diameter of the natural breast mound, which is often substantial in wider framed women.

Moderate Plus Profile

Moderate plus implants are a half step compromise between traditional moderate profile implants and popular new high profile implants. The moderate plus profile is perfect for women who want a bit more projection than is typically provided by a moderate profile, but not as much projection as is found with the high profile shell.

Moderate plus describes the distance the implant will project off the chest wall, once they are surgically placed inside the breast.

High Profile

High profile breast implants are a great innovation in breast implant design. First available in the early 1990's, high profile implants have filled the specific needs of many patients perfectly, helping them to achieve a pleasing breast esthetics and an extremely natural shape and contour. High profile implants have also become a favorite of many cosmetic surgeons and are recommended to many patients due to their excellent surgical results.

High profile implants project the further off the chest wall, when compared to other common implant profiles. The high profile implant will achieve this projection by having a smaller base diameter than an identically sized (in cc's) moderate or low profile implant shell. By decreasing the diameter of the shell, but keeping the same fill volume, the manufacturer is able to increase the depth or forward projection.

High profile implants are perfect for women with a narrower chest frame who still want a considerable size increase during their breast augmentation surgery. Instead of using a wider base diameter moderate implant, the doctor will choose a narrower high profile shell which will suit the patient's anatomy and project out to accommodate the volume of the filler material. High profile implants are also commonly indicated for patients who are undergoing a combination breast enlargement and donut mastopexy procedure. This modified mastopexy, like many breast lift operations sometimes squares off the breast shape slightly, making it appear wider and less round. The shape of the high profile implant shell restores the rounded shape of the breast, while still allowing the considerable benefits of the mastopexy lift.

While some studies say that these high profile shells reduce visible wrinkling and rippling, the reasoning given is generally incorrect. It is not anything to do with the design of the implant which decreases this noticeable unwanted breast enlargement complication. it is simply a better anatomical fit. Wrinkling and rippling often occurs when a women with a narrow chest frame desires large implants. The base diameter of her natural breasts is smaller than the base diameter of her implants. Obviously, the implant will be compressed and distorted by the small confines of the pocket inside her breast. This distortion causes the wrinkling and rippling which can be so unappealing to many affected patients. By utilizing a proper fitting high profile implant with a base diameter smaller than the natural breast width, the surgeon can guarantee a good fit with no implant shell distortion. The patient's size request is accommodated by the increase in forward projection creating a flawless augmented, butvery natural looking breast.

Ultra High Profile

Ultra High Profile implants available are through Mentor, this implant provides the narrowest base and highest projection. They are only available in Round shape and up to 495cc. Ultra High profile implants are perfect for women with a narrower chest frame who still want a considerable size increase during their breast augmentation surgery. Instead of using a wider base diameter implant, the doctor may choose the ultra high profile if the high profile is not enough projection. This may suit the patient's anatomy and project out to be able accommodate the volume of the filler material.

There are two ways to increase projection in an implant. The first way is to add more volume to the implant. The other way to add projection is to make the base (diameter) of the implant smaller. Thus for any given volume, a smaller base has more projection. This is what 'high profile' implants do-they have a smaller diameter with a higher projection.