Thursday, June 12, 2014

What Hair Loss Says About Your Health

Sometimes losing your hair is just losing your hair without any deeper meaning or reason. Other times, losing your hair can be triggered by some health factor within your body. Good health is the key to everything working like clockwork in and outside your organs. So when your beloved mane begins to fall off, you can easily ignore it thinking it is genetics, and as long as there is Hair Transplant, you will get another full head in no time.

That can be the easiest explanation to hair loss, but sometimes losing hair can be a sign of bigger things going on inside your body. And by bigger I mean bad, corrupt, alarming etc., which should make you reconsider the hereditary theory, and look deeply into your health because some conditions can affect the hair as much as they affect your body.

Literally speaking, hair, just like nails, is an extension of your body, and can give you some insider information on your overall health. Here are a few messages your hair loss episodes could be sending you about your health.


We all know and hate stress as well as stressed situations. Studies have shown that too much stress can lead to hair loss. So if you are losing your hair, and at the same time find that you have too much stress in your life, it is about time you tried to relax. The hair loss is screaming to you to take things easy, otherwise something worse than losing your beloved will happen.


Although losing hair can occasionally indicate that you are depressed, in certain situations you do not need to find a handful of hair on your pillow for you to realise this. On the other hand, the hair loss could be connected to the anti-depressants you are taking. Both ways, depression is a disease that needs to be treated, and before focusing on your hair, treat the disease first then everything else will fall into place.


This disease attacks as a result of your thyroid not working effectively. Some of the symptoms include a change in appearance of your hair as well as increased shedding. If you think you are suffering from this disease, it is important to get to your doctor's office ASAP to get a diagnosis as well as treatment.

Prostate cancer

A number of studies have shown that there is a link between hair loss and prostate cancer. According to one study, males who suffered hair loss by the age of 30 years were more likely to have prostate cancer by the age of 60. But you know the best way to fight this cancer is through early detection. So maybe your hair loss is a way of your body telling you to get that prostate checked.

Protein deficiency

Since protein is one part of your diet that encourages healthy hair growth, when your lovely mane starts falling out, you should look closely at your protein intake. Maybe you are not taking enough or maybe you are not eating any at all. In this case, the only solution is to start taking your daily serving of high protein food without missing a beat.


Iron deficiency can easily lead to hair loss and hair thinning. And if you do not have any other symptoms, then it would be difficult to pay attention to what your falling hair is trying to tell you. If this happens, get a test to determine if it is really anaemia causing hair loss, and then start on restocking your bodily iron stores. This can be in the form of foods rich in iron or supplements. Whichever way works for you, make sure you fill up on iron.

Sometimes hair loss might raise a red flag even when whatever is happening to your body is not a health threat. Circumstances for this include pregnancy, birth control and menopause. Others related to your health include weight loss, certain medications, eating disorders and chemotherapy.

For any concerns about any hair loss you might be going through, visit your general practitioner for a diagnosis. As for Hair Transplant and Hair Restoration, give us a call for a free consultation.

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